A 术语 proposed by Simon Waters 混合 思考 is concerned with a 移位/偏移 from a modernist 语义(上下文) for the 制作 and consumption of 電聲學/电声学 樂/乐 to a more fluid and socially aware paradigm The 发展 of 数字 技术 which imply a 移位/偏移 towards a 'sampling culture' 文化 pluralism and relativism 移位/偏移 in power and economic 结构 and other 现象 创作 a 混合 樂/乐 culture In this 混合 culture boundaries between 艺术 形式 樂/乐 风格 relations between 学科 and relations between producers and consumers of 樂/乐 are blurred in 创造性 enabling ways