1 This pair of 术语 提及 to a 系统 ability to reproduce a full 高保真 or less than full 低保真 為耳/音频 频率 频谱 20 to 20 000 赫兹(he zi) and a favourable 高保真 or poor 低保真 信噪 比 通常 applied to an 扩器 or a 錄/录

A key determinant of fidelity is 频率 响应/反应 This is the measure of the 输出 of a sound-producing body stimulated with 频率 over a 特定 范围(排列) 通常 the 整体 范围(排列) of 听觉 20 to 20 000 赫兹(he zi) Also called a 共鸣 曲线

The 共鸣 of a 樂/乐 乐器 result in an uneven 频率 响应/反应 of that 乐器 whereas for the ideal 扬声器 the 频率 响应/反应 should be 平(坦) that is all 频率 should be reproduced equally well to achieve good fidelity 化 from Barry Truax - Handbook for Acoustic 生态学 CD-ROM Edition Cambridge Street 出版 1999 - CSR-CDR 9901

2 R Murray Schaffer 介绍 the 概念 of a 高保真 and 低保真 声景观(声景) In a 高保真 声景观(声景) we can 清楚 perceive 声 and their orientation 位置 and 距 within the acoustic 空间 In a 低保真 声景观(声景) the 声音 空间 is confused individual 声 lose their identity and 掩蔽 for 例如 by 持续 traffic 噪 is common

3 Much 電聲學/电声学 樂/乐 could be said to 显示 an 美学 preference for 高保真 錄/录 再现 and 聆 situation Some practitioners conceive of an ideal situation in which there is a transparency of the 技术 中项 and proceedures used in 作曲 and 表演 Others draw the attention of the 听众 to the 技术 中项 of 制作 to the extent that this may become an 方面 of the signifying 潜力 narrativity or discourse of the 樂/乐 Indeed it is 可能 to 创作 a 乐 significant 连续统一 between 高保真 and 低保真 during the course of a 作品 Some pracitioners and 风格 e g 故障 celebrate and aesthetically privilege a 低保真 approach to 声波