In 樂/乐 an adjective referring to 和谐 and its 原则 In 声学 when a 颤 对象 such as a string is set in 运动 it vibrates both as a whole with a 频率 called the 基(础) and with lesser 强度 in 片段 as well If these smaller lengths are 整数 fractions 1/2 1/3 1/4 of the 总 长 of the string their 频率 of 振荡 are called 谐(泛音) and are 整数 倍数 of the 基(础)

Other resonating 频率 which are 不 whole 倍数 of the 基(础) may also be present and are called 分音 Bells for instance have many 分音 in their 频谱 more than 弦 or pipes It is the 临场 and 相对 strengths of 谐(泛音) and 分音 in a 频谱 that are largely responsible for the 音 品质 音色 of any sound-producing body

音符 In some texts the 术语 'partial' 提及 to both 谐/泛音 and 非和谐 resonating 频率 In other 词 all 谐(泛音) are then 分音 but 不 all 分音 are 谐(泛音) 泛音 is often used to designate both 谐(泛音) and 分音

The 谐(泛音) 生成 by a 颤 body if they are 整数 倍数 of the 基(础) may be represented in an ordered 系列 called the 谐/泛音 系列 源 Barry Truax - Handbook for Acoustic 生态学 CD-ROM Edition Cambridge Street 出版 1999 - CSR-CDR 9901