通常 used as an aide-mémoire for 電聲學/电声学 表演 a 扩散 乐谱 is 通常 a 高 级 视觉 表示法 of a 作品 that notates often in a highly personal fashion those salient 听觉 细节 necessary for the performer's 解释 Often hand-drawn and utilising symbols 特殊 to the maker of the 乐谱 a common approach is to represent 时间 on a 水平 轴 and 频谱 in the vertical Sometimes 高 级 or edited computer-based 可视化 are used in 扩散 扩散 乐谱 are 通常 不 of great assistance to an analyst except as an 整体 'map' of a piece's 结构