反义词 of 参考 声波 虛/抽象 声波 has entered 用途 as a 术语 in English under the influence of the 舍费尔 传统 in 特殊 the 概念 of 化 聆 An 虛/抽象 声波 may perceptually privilege some 品质 or 声音 参数 that 音乐家 have focused their attention on in the 工作室 This could be in 术语 of the 技术 employed in its 创作 or 处理 and/or the sound's contribution to the 整体 樂/乐 discourse The 感知 of an 虛/抽象 声波 as such is therefore 经常 确定 by its 语义(上下文) A 声波 could be labelled 虛/抽象 simply through the 不舉/无法 of the 听众 to ascribe to it any real or imagined provenance Many 電聲學/电声学 音乐家 conceive of a 连续统一 between the 'abstract' and 'referential' which may 功能(函数) as a micro- or macro- 结构 原则 or 测定(确定) the 整体 narrativity of the 樂/乐 The pairing of 术语 abstract/referential is also referred to as intrinsic/extrinsic by the 作曲家 and theorist Denis Smalley for 例如