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采样 Synthesis

The 术语 采样 derives from 确定(建立) notions of 数字 采样 and 采样 率 采样 乐器 with or without 樂/乐 keyboards are widely available All 采样 乐器 are designed around the 基础 概念 of playing back prerecorded 声 移位/偏移 to the desired 音高

Instead of scanning a small 固定 波表 包括 one 周期 of a 波形 a 采样 系统 scans a large 波表 that 包含 thousands of individual cyclesseveral seconds of prerecorded 声波 Since the 采样 波形 changes over the 起(始) 延(续) and 衰(减) portion of the 事件 the result is a rich and 时变 声波 The 长 of the 采样 波表 can be arbitrarily long 限制 only by the 内存(记忆) capacity of the 采样器

樂/乐 實/具体 and 采样


After experiments with variable-speed phonographs in the late 1940s 皮埃尔 舍费尔 founded the 工作室 de 樂/乐 實/具体 at Paris in 1950 see figure 4 1 He and 皮埃尔 亨利 began to 用 磁带 录机 to 录 and 操控 實/具体 声 樂/乐 實/具体 提及 to the 用 of microphone-recorded 声 rather than synthetically 生成 音 as in 纯 电子 樂/乐 But it also 提及 to the manner of working with such 声 Composers of 樂/乐 實/具体 作品 directly with 声波 对象 舍费尔 1977 Chion 1982 Their 作曲 demand new 形式 of 图表 记谱法 outside the boundaries of 传统 乐谱 for 乐队 Bayle 1993

The Fairlight 算機/计算机 樂/乐 乐器 CMI was the first 商业 键盘 采样器 1979 Australia