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The 率 at which 采样 are taken the 采样 频率 表示 in 术语 of 采样 每(一个) second This is an 重要 specification of 数字 為耳/音频 系统 It is often called the 采样 率 and is 表示 in 术语 of Hz(he zi)/赫兹
The 数字 信号 does 不 show the 值 between the bars The 时值 of a bar is extremely 窄 也许 lasting only 0 00002 second two hundred-thousandths of a second This 中项 that if the 原始/原创 信号 changes between bars the change is 不 反射 in the height of a bar at least until the next 采样 is taken In 技术 术语 we say that the 信号 is 定义 at 离散 times each such 时间 represented by one 采样 vertical bar
Part of the magic of digitized 声波 is that if the 信号 is 带/乐队 限制 the 数模转换器(数字—模拟转换器) and 联合 硬件 can exactly reconstruct the 原始/原创 信号 from these samples! This 中项 that 特定 certain conditions the missing part of the 信号 between the 采样 can be restored This happens when the 数 are passed through the 数模转换器(数字—模拟转换器) and smoothing 滤器 The smoothing 滤器 connects the dots between the 离散 采样 Thus a 信号 送 to the 扬声器 looks and 声 like the 原始/原创 信号